Watch your favorite classic cartoon characters interact with the musicians on stage and expect the unexpected from the Golden Age of Animation, cult cartoon classics, and modern animated films. Inspired by the cross-roads of jazz, classical music, and cartoons, TQC...
The celebration of the Bratwurst is back at Kiwanis Park. ADMISSION IS FREE AND SO IS THE MUSIC! Brat Days does not charge entry fees to attend the festival or live music acts. BRAT DAYS HAS BEEN CELEBRATING SHEBOYGAN SINCE 1953
Sheboygan celebrates Independence Day with the annual Freedom Fest event: Independence Day Parade 9am – North 8th Street & Center Avenue to Michigan Avenue to Broughton Drive Sponsored by Wisconsin Bank & Trust Freedom Fest – Music, Food and Fun: Noon – 11pm –...
Powerboat P1 returns to Sheboygan, WI, on August 9th 2024, for the Sheboygan MidWest Challenge. Sheboygan is on the western shore of Lake Michigan, about 50 miles north of Milwaukee, with a population of around 50,000. The Sheboygan MidWest Challenge, a festival and...
The Sheboygan Jaycees Present the Holiday Parade — sponsored by Great Lakes Cheese Company and in partnership with WLKN Lake 98.1! You are invited to participate in the 31st Annual Holiday Parade that will take place in downtown Sheboygan on Sunday, November 26,...
With a rich history and an unwavering commitment to preserving the legacy of vintage racing, this three-day racing spectacle promises to captivate enthusiasts and newcomers alike. Over 300 meticulously restored vintage and historic race cars, spanning 11 racing classes, will grace the iconic Road America track, presenting a mesmerizing journey through automotive history. From the […]
Elkhart Lake’s Farmers & Artisans Market in the Village Square is a Saturday morning tradition. Pick up fresh seasonal vegetables, flowers, cheeses, local arts and specialty products from approximately 50 vendors. Every item sold is produced locally in the state of Wisconsin by the person right behind the stand! Grab your reusable grocery bags and […]
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